Saturday, November 30, 2019
The purpouse of a higher education Essay Example For Students
The purpouse of a higher education Essay Some People say that the world has many opportunities, some say that you cant get anywhereunless you are born to some certain class of people. Some even say that it is pure fate that bringsyou where you are going to be and what you get is what you get and you cant do anything aboutit. I think that people decide their own fates and it doesnt matter who was your parents or howmuch money you have. I think that your education is the most important thing that you can havein life it can bring you many things like; advancement, family, stability, a career, and of courseIn many countries your job is already decided when you are born because of what your parentdoes for a living and their stature in society. That is many people say that the United States is theland of opportunity, you can do what ever you want with your life as long as you earn it and havethe right qualifications. You can decide weather you want to continue after high school andeducation or get a minimum wage job. Many people take that right for granted and they put offcollege until they after they have a family and get settled with out knowing that their family willtake up the rest of their lives. People who are from other countries who move to take advantageof this right we take for granted understand the purpose of a higher education. Advancement is inevitable no matter what you do you will have to be going forward in someway. Weather your advancement is to a new position in your job or a whole knew career, even ifall you are doing is going to the next day you are advancing. I think that if you want to decidewhere you are going to advance to you have to have a good education. If you dont have a goodeducation you are going to play life like that lottery, you may go to a better job where you getbetter money or you can get fired because they want someone with more education. You neverknow what can happen to you in the next week or even the next day. Family is one of my biggest priorities in life besides my education. The future, that is how I lookat family. Either you can teach your kids about higher education by example or by your mistakes. We will write a custom essay on The purpouse of a higher education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now You also need a higher education for a family because you need to manage the bills and keep upbooks on your finances. If you have no education and a bad job you will never have your ownhome. You will not be able to provide for your children or yourself as well as you would if youA career is the goal of most people in the world, but sometimes I think that there are not enoughavailable for all the people who want one, so if you want to get one you will have to work foe itand prove yourself to be worthy of the job you desire. So that requires a higher education. With acareer you have all the things that I have mentioned available to you. You can even get your ownbusiness and be your own boss. You can save money and plan for retirement, you can start acollege fund for your children so they can get a higher education as well. Knowledge is the key to the world. It is the factor between man and beast, between who you areand who you want to be. Knowledge is what having a higher education is all about. If you had allthe knowledge in the world you would be undefeatable. No one could stand in you way. Youneed knowledge to teach others how to become what they want to be, you can teach the nextgeneration who will take care of what you have worked your whole life for and if you haveknowledge you will teach them right and trust that they wont destroy your dreams. When the people say that the world has many opportunities I think that they are correct. Theworld does have many opportunities, people just have to work for them. It is not fate that decideswhat you are going to be or where you are going. People decide their own fate and takeadvantage of the opportunities that they choose. I think that fate is just something that peoplewho are lazy and want the world to come to them thought up. They really had no plans on gettinga higher education or actually working for what they wanted in life, so they thought up an idea tosoothe their conscience in thinking that there was no problem with not working for what youneed to achieve in life. Or maybe fate is something that people with a lucky streak thought upbecause they had no other explanation for their fortune and they had to give it a label. .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 , .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 .postImageUrl , .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 , .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12:hover , .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12:visited , .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12:active { border:0!important; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12:active , .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12 .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucabe837fcdb2282da5d09bf9c10a6c12:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Selected Readings in Computer-Mediated Communicati EssayStability is very important to many people, some people travel all around the country movingfrom house to house never knowing where they will live the following months. All because theykeep losing their jobs to people who have gone on and achieved a higher education. To theemployer a person with a higher education is more of an asset to the company and they arewilling o sacrifice their current employees to obtain their services. So when you have a highereducation the employer is less willing to sacrifice your services and you will be guaranteed a jobfor a long time. With an on going job you will continue to learn the skills needed and you willcontinue to grow as an employee, thus creates stability. Through a higher education you can achieve allot of things such as , advancement, Family values,a successful career, and vast knowledge of the world around you to make you aware of the futureand the things that will come to be. Even if you believe in fate you can say that if you dont get ahigher education you will have the fate of a unsuccessful person and be destined not to have thelife you have always dreamed. Anyone you ask that has experience with life will tell you thesame words I have written knowledge is the key and the door is a happy successful life in theBibliography:
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
William Rosecrans - General William Rosecrans - Civil War - Army of the Cumberland
William Rosecrans - General William Rosecrans - Civil War - Army of the Cumberland William Rosecrans - Early Life Career: William Starke Rosecrans was born at Little Taylor Run, OH on September 6, 1819. The son of Crandall Rosecrans and Jemima Hopkins, he received little formal education as a youngster and was forced to rely on what he could learn from books. Leaving home at age thirteen, he clerked at a store in Mansfield, OH before attempting to obtain an appointment to West Point from Representative Alexander Harper. Meeting with the congressman, his interview proved so impressive that he received the appointment that Harper had intended to give to his son. Entering West Point in 1838, Rosecrans proved a gifted student. Dubbed Old Rosy by his classmates, he excelled in the classroom and graduated ranked 5th in a class of 56. For this academic achievement, Rosecrans was assigned to the Corps of Engineers as a brevet second lieutenant. Marrying Anna Hegeman on August 24, 1843, Rosecrans received a posting to Fort Monroe, VA. After a year there, he requested and was granted a transfer back to West Point to teach engineering. With the outbreak of the Mexican-American War in 1846, he was retained at the academy while his classmates went south to fight. William Rosecrans - Leaving the Army: While the fighting raged, Rosecrans continued teaching before moving to Rhode Island and Massachusetts on engineering assignments. Later ordered to the Washington Navy Yard, Rosecrans began seeking civilian jobs to aid in supporting his growing family. In 1851, he sought a teaching post at the Virginia Military Institute, but turned down when the school hired Thomas J. Jackson. In 1854, after suffering from declining health, Rosecrans left the US Army and took a position with a mining company in western Virginia. A skillful businessman, he prospered and later formed an oil refining company in Cincinnati, OH. William Rosecrans - The Civil War Begins: Badly burned during an accident in 1859, Rosecrans required eighteen months to recover. His return to health coincided with the start of the Civil War in 1861. Offering his services to Ohio Governor William Dennison, Rosecrans was initially made an aide-de-camp to Major General George B. McClellan before being promoted to colonel and given command of the 23rd Ohio Infantry. Promoted to brigadier general on May 16, he won victories at Rich Mountain and Corricks Ford, though credit went to McClellan. When McClellan was ordered to Washington after the defeat at Bull Run, Rosecrans was given command in western Virginia. Eager to take action, Rosecrans lobbied for a winter campaign against Winchester, VA but was blocked by McClellan who promptly transferred away most of his troops. In March 1862, Major General John C. Frà ©mont replaced Rosecrans and he was ordered west to command two divisions in Major General John Popes Army of the Mississippi. Taking part in Major General Henry Hallecks Siege of Corinth in April and May, Rosecrans received command of the Army of the Mississippi in June when Pope was ordered east. Subordinate to Major General Ulysses S. Grant, Rosecrans argumentative personality clashed with his new commander. William Rosecrans - The Army of the Cumberland: On September 19, Rosecrans won the Battle of Iuka when he defeated Major General Stirling Price. The following month, he successfully defended Corinth though his men were hard-pressed for much of the battle. In the wake of the fighting, Rosecrans earned Grants ire when he failed to quickly pursue the beaten enemy. Hailed in the northern press, Rosecrans twin victories earned him command of XIV Corps which was soon renamed the Army of the Cumberland. Replacing Major General Don Carlos Buell who had recently checked the Confederates at Perryville, Rosecrans was promoted to major general. Re-equipping the army at Nashville, TN through November, Rosecrans came under fire from Halleck, now general-in-chief, for his inaction. Finally moving out in December, marched to attack General Braxton Braggs Army of Tennessee near Murfreesboro, TN. Opening the Battle of Stones River on December 31, both commanders intended to attack the others right flank. Moving first, Braggs assault drove back Rosecrans lines. Mounting a strong defense, the Union troops were able avert disaster. After both sides remained in place on January 1, 1863, Bragg again attacked the next day and sustained heavy losses. Unable to defeat Rosecrans, Bragg withdrew to Tullahoma, TN. Remaining at Murfreesboro for the next six months to reinforce and refit, Rosecrans again drew criticism from Washington for his inaction. After Halleck threatened to send some his troops to aid in Grants Siege of Vicksburg, the Army of the Cumberland finally moved out. Beginning on June 24, Rosecrans conducted the Tullahoma Campaign which saw him use a brilliant series of maneuvers to force Bragg out of central Tennessee in little more than a week while sustaining fewer than 600 casualties. William Rosecrans - Disaster at Chickamauga: Though a tremendous success, his accomplishment failed to garner major attention, much to his ire, due to the Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Pausing to assess his options, Rosecrans pressed on in late August. As before, he out-maneuvered Bragg and forced the Confederate commander to abandon Chattanooga. Union troops took the city on September 9. Abandoning the cautiousness that had been part of his earlier operations, Rosecrans pushed into northwest Georgia with his corps widely spread apart. When one was nearly beaten by Bragg at Daviss Cross Roads on September 11, Rosecrans ordered the army to concentrate near Chickamauga Creek. On September 19, Rosecrans met Braggs army near the creek and opened the Battle of Chickamauga. Recently reinforced by Lieutenant General James Longstreets corps from Virginia, Bragg began a series of attacks on the Union line. Holding through the day, Rosecrans army was driven from the field the next day after a poorly-worded order from his headquarters inadvertently opened a large gap in the Union line through which the Confederates attacked. Retreating to Chattanooga, Rosecrans attempted to organize a defense while Major General George H. Thomas delayed the Confederates. William Rosecrans - Removal from Command: Though he established a strong position at Chattanooga, Rosecrans was shattered by the defeat and his army was soon besieged by Bragg. Lacking the initiative to break out, Rosecrans position worsened. To remedy the situation, President Abraham Lincoln unified Union command in the West under Grant. Ordering reinforcements to Chattanooga, Grant arrived in the city and replaced Rosecrans with Thomas on October 19. Traveling north, Rosecrans received orders to command the Department of Missouri in January 1864. Overseeing operations, he defeated Prices Raid that fall. As a War Democrat, he was also briefly considered as a running mate for Lincoln in the 1864 election as the president was seeking a bi-partisan ticket. William Rosecrans - Later Life: Remaining in the US Army after the war, he resigned his commission on March 28, 1867. Briefly serving as US Ambassador to Mexico, he was quickly replaced with Grant became president. In the postwar years Rosecrans became involved in several railroad ventures and later was elected to Congress in 1881. Remaining in office until 1885, he continued to bicker with Grant over events during the war. Serving as Register of the Treasury (1885-1893) under President Grover Cleveland, Rosecrans died at his ranch in Redondo Beach, CA on March 11, 1898. In 1908, his remains were re-interred at Arlington National Cemetery. Selected Sources Civil War: William S. RosecransNational Park Service: William S. Rosecrans Ohio History: William S. Rosecrans
Friday, November 22, 2019
Major General John F. Reynolds in the Civil War
Major General John F. Reynolds in the Civil War Major General John F. Reynolds was a noted commander in the Union Army during the Civil War. A native of Pennsylvania, he graduated from West Point in 1841 and distinguished himself during the Mexican-American War. With the beginning of the Civil War, Reynolds quickly moved up through the ranks of the Army of the Potomac and proved to be one its finest field commanders. Despite his battlefield record, he was frequently frustrated by the political restraints placed on the army and likely turned down command of it in 1863. Reynolds was lost on July 1, 1863, when he was killed leading his men onto the field during the opening stages of the Battle of Gettysburg. Early Life The sonà of John and Lydia Reynolds, John Fulton Reynolds was born at Lancaster, PA on September 20, 1820. Initially educated in nearby Lititz, he later attended the Lancaster County Academy. Electing to pursue a military career like his older brother William who had entered the US Navy, Reynolds sought an appointment to West Point. Working with a family friend, (future president) Senator James Buchanan, he was able to obtain admission and reported to the academy in 1837. While at West Point, Reynolds classmates included Horatio G. Wright, Albion P. Howe, Nathaniel Lyon, and Don Carlos Buell. An average student, he graduated in 1841 ranked twenty-sixth in a class of fifty. Assigned to the 3rd US Artillery at Fort McHenry, Reynolds time in Baltimore proved brief as he received orders for Fort Augustine, FL the following year. Arriving at the end of the Second Seminole War, Reynolds spent the next three years at Fort Augustine and Fort Moultrie, SC. Mexican-American War With the outbreak of the Mexican-American War in 1846 following Brigadier General Zachary Taylors victories at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Reynolds was instructed to travel to Texas. Joining Taylors army at Corpus Christi, he took part in the campaign against Monterrey that fall. For his role in the citys fall, he received a brevet promotion to captain. Following the victory, the bulk of Taylors army was transferred for Major General Winfield Scotts operation against Veracruz. Remaining with Taylor, Reynolds artillery battery played a key role in holding the American left at the Battle of Buena Vista in February 1847. In the fighting, Taylors army succeeded in holding off a larger Mexican force commanded by Generalà Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna. In recognition of his efforts, Reynolds was brevetted to major. While in Mexico, he befriended Winfield Scott Hancock and Lewis A. Armistead. Antebellum Years Returning north after the war, Reynolds spent the next several years in garrison duty in Maine (Fort Preble), New York (Fort Lafayette), and New Orleans. Ordered west to Fort Orford, Oregon in 1855, he took part in the Rogue River Wars. With the end of hostilities, the Native Americans in the Rogue River Valley were moved to the Coast Indian Reservation. Ordered south a year later, Reynolds joined Brigadier General Albert S. Johnstons forces during the Utah War of 1857-1858. Fast Facts: Major General John F. Reynolds Rank: Major GeneralService: US/Union ArmyBorn: September 20, 1820 in Lancaster, PADied: July 1, 1863 in Gettysburg, PAParents: John and Lydia ReynoldsConflicts: Mexican-American War, Civil WarKnown For: Second Battle of Manassas, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, and Battle of Gettysburg. The Civil War Begins In September 1860, Reynolds returned to West Point to serve as Commandant of Cadets and an instructor. While there, he became engaged to Katherine May Hewitt. As Reynolds was a Protestant and Hewitt a Catholic, the engagement was kept secret from their families. Remaining for the academic year, he was at the academy during the election of President Abraham Lincoln and the resulting Secession Crisis. With the beginning of the Civil War, Reynolds initially was offered a post as an aide-de-camp to Scott, the general-in-chief of the US Army. Declining this offer, he was appointed lieutenant colonel of the 14th US Infantry but received a commission as a brigadier general of volunteers (August 20, 1861) before he could assume this post. Directed to newly-captured Cape Hatteras Inlet, NC, Reynolds was en route when Major General George B. McClellan instead requested that he join the newly-formed Army of the Potomac near Washington, DC. Reporting for duty, he first served on a board that assessed volunteer officers before receiving command of a brigade in the Pennsylvania Reserves. This term was used to refer to regiments raised in Pennsylvania that were in excess of the number originally requested of the state by Lincoln in April 1861. To the Peninsula Commanding the 1st Brigade of Brigadier General George McCalls Second Division (Pennsylvania Reserves), I Corps, Reynolds first moved south into Virginia and captured Fredericksburg. On June 14, the division was transferred to Major General Fitz John Porters V Corps which was taking part in McClellans Peninsula Campaign against Richmond. Joining Porter, the division played a key role in the successful Union defense at the Battle of Beaver Dam Creek on June 26. As the Seven Days Battles continued, Reynolds and his men were assaulted by General Robert E. Lees forces again the next day at the Battle of Gaines Mill. Having not slept in two days, an exhausted Reynolds was captured by Major General D.H. Hills men after the battle while resting in Boatswains Swamp. Taken to Richmond, he was briefly held at Libby Prison before being exchanged on August 15 for Brigadier General Lloyd Tilghman who had been captured at Fort Henry. Returning to the Army of the Potomac, Reynolds assumed command of the Pennsylvania Reserves as McCall had also been captured. In this role, he took part in the Second Battle of Manassas at the end of the month. Late in the battle, he aided in making a stand on Henry House Hill which assisted in covering the armys retreat from the battlefield. A Rising Star As Lee moved north to invade Maryland, Reynolds was detached from the army at the request of Pennsylvania Governor Andrew Curtain. Ordered to his home state, the governor tasked him with organizing and leading the state militia should Lee cross the Mason-Dixon Line. Reynolds assignment proved unpopular with McClellan and other senior Union leaders as it deprived the army of one of its best field commanders. As a result, he missed the Battles of South Mountain and Antietam where the division was led by fellow Pennsylvanian Brigadier General George G. Meade. Returning to the army in late September, Reynolds received command of I Corps as its leader, Major General Joseph Hooker, had been wounded at Antietam. That December, he led the corps at the Battle of Fredericksburg where his men achieved the only Union success of the day. Penetrating the Confederate lines, troops, led by Meade, opened a gap but a confusion of orders prevented the opportunity from being exploited. Chancellorsville For his actions at Fredericksburg, Reynolds was promoted to major general with a date of November 29, 1862. In the wake of the defeat, he was one of several officers who called for the removal of army commander Major General Ambrose Burnside. In doing so, Reynolds expressed his frustration at the political influence that Washington exerted on the armys activities. These efforts were successful and Hooker replaced Burnside on January 26, 1863. That May, Hooker sought to swing around Fredericksburg to the west. To hold Lee in place, Reynolds corps and Major General John Sedgwicks VI Corps were to remain opposite the city. As the Battle of Chancellorsville commenced, Hooker summoned I Corps on May 2 and directed Reynolds to hold the Union right. With the battle going poorly, Reynolds and the other corps commanders urged offensive action but were overruled by Hooker who decided to retreat. As a result of Hookers indecision, I Corps was only lightly engaged in the battle and suffered just 300 casualties. Political Frustration As in the past, Reynolds joined his compatriots in calling for a new commander who could operate decisively and free from political constraints. Well-respected by Lincoln, who referred to him as ââ¬Å"our gallant and brave friend, Reynolds met with the president on June 2. During their conversation, it is believed that Reynolds was offered command of the Army of the Potomac. Insisting that he be free to lead independent of political influence, Reynolds declined when Lincoln could not make such an assurance. With Lee again moving north, Lincoln instead turned to Meade who accepted command and replaced Hooker on June 28. Riding north with his men, Reynolds was given operational control of I, III, and XI Corps as well as Brigadier General John Bufords cavalry division. Death of Major General John F. Reynolds at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863. à Library of Congress Death at Gettysburg Riding into Gettysburg on June 30, Buford realized that the high ground south of the town would be key in a battle fought in the area. Aware that any combat involving his division would be a delaying action, he dismounted and posted his troopers on the low ridges north and northwest of town with the goal of buying time for the army to come up and occupy the heights. Attacked the next morning by Confederate forces in the opening phases of the Battle of Gettysburg, he alerted Reynolds and asked him to bring up support. Moving towards Gettysburg with I and XI Corps, Reynolds informed Meade that he would defend ââ¬Å"inch by inch, and if driven into the town I will barricade the streets and hold him back as long as possible.â⬠Arriving on the battlefield, Reynolds met with Buford advanced his lead brigade to relieve the hard-pressed cavalry. As he directed troops into the fighting near Herbst Woods, Reynolds was shot in the neck or head. Falling from his horse, he was killed instantly. With Reynolds death, command of I Corps passed to Major General Abner Doubleday. Though overwhelmed later in the day, I and XI Corps succeeded in buying time for Meade to arrive with the bulk of the army. As the fighting raged, Reynolds body was taken from the field, first to Taneytown, MD and then back to Lancaster where he was buried on July 4. A blow to the Army of the Potomac, Reynolds death cost Meade one of the armys best commanders. Adored by his men, one of the general aides commented, I do not think the love of any commander was ever felt more deeply or sincerely than his. Reynolds was also described by another officer as ââ¬Å"a superb looking manâ⬠¦and sat on his horse like a Centaur, tall, straight and graceful, the ideal soldier.ââ¬
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Case Study on South West Airlines Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
On South West Airlines - Case Study Example The company is also a fun place for people to work and is regarded very highly by employees. There are many aspects of this success of Southwest Airlines. In this essay we will present a SWOT analysis alongside with an analysis of porterââ¬â¢s five forces. This will also include the financials of the company. The organizational culture of the company and its operations and leadership will be discussed. Issues the company is facing currently will also be discussed and recommendations will be made. SWOT Analysis Southwest Airlines Southwest Airline has displayed cost leadership in the airline industry by turning cost effectiveness into profits. The culture of the company is also in line with the core values of the airline. Below an in depth view of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the company will be taken. Strengths The most impressive thing about Southwest Airlines is its financial records. The company is yet to report a loss on its balance sheets and this i s a big achievement considering the ups and downs airline industry in US faces. Since 1972 the company has given annual returns of around 25%. This shows the impressive performance of the company. The airline believes in friendliness and love in customer relationships as well as employees. One of the main reasons of success of the company is its employees. The friendly culture of the company illicit the best out of every employee of Southwest and that is why innovative ideas are given by lower and middle level employees. This is one of the reasons of Southwest Airlineââ¬â¢s success. The management of Southwest Airlines has done an amazing job in crafting its companyââ¬â¢s strategy. The strategy of cost leadership has done wonders for the company and I personally think that the idea of being cost effective in the airline industry great. Usually airlines have huge operational costs so they do not go for such a strategy but Southwest has shown the world that this can be done. Thi s strategy has proven itself to be a winning strategy. Southwest Airlines reported a profit of USD178 million in 2008 (Bloomberg, 2011). This was the time when recession had badly hit the US economy but still the company was able to reap profits. The operating expense of the company have not grown significantly even during recession. Operating expenses were $1,280 million in 2007 while in 2008 they grew to $1,385 million. Also the revenue in 2008 increased as compared to 2007. In 2007 revenue figure was $9,587 million and in 2008 it grew to $11,023 million. The CGS also has grown accordingly, in 2007 it was $7,235 million and in 2008 it was $8,590 million (Bloomberg, 2011). This shows that the costs of Southwest have not increased significantly. The company has tried to differentiate its policies from its competitors by doing everything in its own way. Employees were not fired in tough times, cost cutting was given attention rather than value addition, flights for shorter routes was started and a friendly work culture was introduced in the company. All this was not the usual trend in the industry but this became the basis for Southwestââ¬â¢s success. The company has proven that conventional thinking has led many airlines into huge loses (Freiberg & Freiberg, 1997). One of the operating practices in the company is to schedule more flights a day and pilots work an hour more than in other airline companies (Mouawad, J. 2010). The company also pays its
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Thinking and Managing Ethically Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Thinking and Managing Ethically - Essay Example al, 2007). CSR is playing an inevitable part and becoming more and more important in practice. It has an enormous potential to deliver better results while adding to business practices and knowledge. Corporate social responsibility plays a vital role in small and medium enterprises as more than 90 percent of enterprises in Asian Productivity Organization are members of SMEs. Gross domestic product consists of 75 percent of these enterprises (Hassan et. al, 2007). Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) stand for the companies whose turnover lies in certain limits. However, Malaysian SMEs are categorized as per the size, turnover and activity. In broad terms, Malaysian SMEs are defined in two major categories (Saleh et. al, 2006): The 2000 census conducted by the Department of Statistics in Malaysia shows that there were about 20,455 active firms in the manufacturing segment when talking about the total numbers of SMEs. This figure was out of about 44,185 manufacturing firms registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM). Textiles and apparel segment contributes the largest segment of about 17 per cent of the total enterprises. Where as, the food and beverages contributes about 14 per cent, metals and metals products contributes 14.3 per cent and wood and wood products contributes 13.6 per cent (Saleh et. al, 2006). The relevant stakeholders who deal with SMEs in Malaysia in any form follows and adopt these standard definitions. The list comprises of various Ministries and Agencies at Federal and State levels of Malaysian Government along with the Statutory Bodies, authorities and financial institutions. They maintain data based on annual sales turnover as well as number of full-time employees in companies
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Evaluate the roles of named players Essay Example for Free
Evaluate the roles of named players Essay Managing future energy needs is certainly a global challenge that requires the cooperation of many named players both on a small and large scale. It has been estimated that global demand for primary energy is set to grow 55% by 2030 and that $22 trillion of new investment is need to meet future energy forecasts. The main player in providing future energy security can be argued to be OPEC as they control the production of over 2/3s of the worlds supply of oil, therefore leading them be price makers in the industry. OPEC is considered to be the most important player in global energy provision, it currently consists of 12 members and was created in 1960 mainly to protect the interests of member countries and to stabilise oil prices for a regular supply to oil consuming countries. However, OPECs obligations have been controversial as they have been accused of holding back on production of oil and gas in order to drive up prices, therefore using the market mechanism of demand and supply to increase profits for member states. Currently it has been proven that collectively, OPEC has stored 900,000 million barrels of crude oil, they own 78% of global resources and have a combined market share of 45% for oil and 18% for gas. This inherently makes them the largest producer of fossil fuels in the world meaning they will have a large if not absolute say in future energy provision and energy security. The responsibility of oil distribution will then fall on OPEC when supply of oil runs low leading to a bidding system for allocation of oil to where demand and price is highest. Another large player involved in providing energy security for the future is multinational oil companies; they are involved in the exploration and extraction of oil as well as transporting and refining the oil to consumers meaning they, as well as OPEC control the prices directly to consumers. Most of the top 20 oil companies in 2005 were state owned with companies such as Saudi Aramco in Saudi Arabia and PDV in Venezuela, this could be beneficial for domestic industry as they may charge less, stimulating the economy with lower production costs. However, many of the largest oil companies are relatively free of direct political influence and are therefore driven by the market mechanism leading to higher prices, above production costs. An example of a petro chemical company that has a direct impact on us in the UK is Gazprom in Russia. It solely controls one third of the worlds gas reserves and accounts for more than 92% of Russias gas production, but more importantly it provides 25% of the EUs natural gas as we are consistently becoming net importers. The security of the energy provision is open to risk as Europes fear is that Russia will be able to name its price for gas because Europe is predominately dependent on its supply. In addition, the reliability is further doubted since Russia temporarily shut off gas supply to Ukraine in 2006 and therefore the whole of Europe. Fossil fuels are of course a finite resource meaning they will one day deplete to such an extent that it will not be cost effective to extract and refine to sell. This insinuates that it is the combined role of governments and oil producing companies to innovate and invest in new technology to sustain increasing energy demands. International Governments is the last and one of the main players in providing future energy security. Governments have the option of allowing oil companies to further exploit their own environment in order to increase oil production such as the case with the province of Alberto. It is estimated up to 2. 5 trillion barrels of are held within the sedimentary oil-shale more so than in Saudi Arabia. This may relieve pressure for rising energy demand in the US as Canada does in fact have a surplus of primary energy. It will also relieve the US from its dominant reliance on the unreliable Saudi Arabian oil reserves with growing political challenges and the threat of terrorism and piracy. However, environmentalists see the exploitation of oil-shale are sands as a disaster in the making, not only does it already have detrimental environmental scars but with current technology, huge amounts of energy are needed in heating the sands to extract the oil (every 3 barrels of oil produced requires 1 barrel to be burnt). Conversely, Governments may opt to incentives conservation of energy through fuel duties or green taxes and emission trading as it leads to industries investing in cleaner technology. In addition, investment in greener fuels such as renewable and nuclear energy is a way for governments to secure energy provision in the future as it can be sustainable and everlasting. In conclusion, each player has a unique role in providing future energy security either with price stability with OPEC, investment into greener technology with oil companies and correct management and legislation from governments to both the exploitation of their environment and their fiscal system in incentive taxation. All in all it depends on the magnitude of integration of all these ideas brought forward that will secure actual energy provision in the future and allow for a sustained and secure increase in consumption of energy.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Stuck In Time :: essays research papers
It's 2139 and Charles Stimatra, head of the ITEDRC (International Time Exploration and Defense Research Company), has figured out a formula and machine enabling one person at a time to be transported to another time. The glitch he is working on is the person can only be estimated where he will be when he gets transported. The closest they can get is three kilometers within the configured destination. Seven out of twenty three men have been lost and killed because one ended up inside a rock, another 300 feet in the air and the last got stuck in another person causing a time malfunction and creating an explosive object. The others whereabouts are unknown. The other men went back again and tried to save as many from dying as they could because it could cause a chain reaction through history and completely change everything. The future is a whole different matter. Since the future can always be changed, sending someone to the future could change the past. Charles and his associates are not the only ones experimenting in time travel. These people are called hackers, which is why there are Time Police. They devote their lives to protecting the past. For example, if someone went back and killed Hitler, it could change everything. The Time Police stop these people from doing so. Captain of the Time Police used to be Sergeant Carl Lamberg. He was one of the many that had to erase their identity and lives so they could protect the future of the human race. Which brings us to the story of how Carl died. How do I know? Because I am Carl Lamberg. "Control, I'm ready to transmit. Confirm safety for time transport." I let go of the intercom button and waited for the confirmation. "This is Control, we confirm transport. You have the go ahead." This is my thirteenth time and I still get nervous. I reach for the bottom of my shirt to wipe my forehead but the chair starts to shake and I end up in 1642 five feet above the ground. I drop and absorb the impact with my knees. My mission is to find a gold transport to a king and stop a hacker from robbing it. Hackers can easily kill people from the past because they use modern weapons, while the people they are robbing have to reload after every shot. I brush myself off and set off down the road.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone Essay
The Revolutionary United Front of Sierra Leone (RUF/SL) invaded Sierra Leone from Liberia in March 1991. Initially they claimed to be a political movement supporting ââ¬Ëliberationââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëdemocracy. Instead the RUF, in reality, was an insecurely combined organization of mainly rebellious young people that inflicted mortal disaster throughout the country of Sierra Leone. The political revolution message failed to attract popular support, the RUF board on a barbarian ten-year civil war that had devastating consequences for civilians, in particular children. General Information about Child Soldiers The numbers of child soldiers are continually variable given the growth of diverse armed conflicts. The number of children under the age of 18 who have been forced or induced to take up arms as child soldiers is commonly thought to be around of 300,000. Non-governmental military organizations tend to recruit soldiers under the age of 15.Governmental armed forces, on the other hand, are more likely to recruit soldiers under the age of 18. From what is known the age of 7 is the youngest a child soldier can be. Over 50 countries currently take on children under the age of 18 into their militia. [pic] Figure 1. The African situation since Africa has without any doubt the largest number of child soldiers[1] What is a Child Soldier? UNICEF, The United Nations Children Fund, defines child soldiers as ââ¬Å"any childââ¬âboy or girlââ¬âunder eighteen years of age, who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity[2]. According to the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers: ââ¬Å"Child soldiers perform a range of tasks including participation in combat, laying mines and explosives; scouting, spying, acting as decoys, couriers or guards; training, drill or other preparations; logistics and support functions, portering, cooking and domestic labour; and sexual slavery or other recruitment for sexual purposes.â⬠[3] Girls are also called child soldiers and this is the case for many reasons. Girls usually fulfil numerous roles. While they are commonly recruited and used for sexual purposes, they are almost always also caught up in other military responsibilities. These include fighting, laying explosives, portering, and performing domestic tasks. How many child soldiers are there? It is difficult to give a worldwide number of child soldiers at any one time. There are various reasons as to why exact figures cannot be calculated. An example is that military commanders frequently mask children or do not allow access to observers. Armed groups regularly operate in dangerous, unapproachable zones to which observers do not have access and many children carry out support roles and are therefore not visible in military operations. How do children become soldiers? A special report on the impact of armed conflict on children which was created in 1996 explained how children become soldiers. In the report it is stated ââ¬ËHunger and poverty may drive parents to offer children for service or attract children to volunteer as a way to guarantee regular meals, clothing or medical attention. Some children become soldiers to protect themselves or their families in the face of violence and chaos around them, while others, particularly adolescents, are lured by ideology. Children also identify with social causes, religious expression, self-determination, national liberation or the pursuit of political freedom, as in South Africa or the occupied territories.â⬠[4] Another reason emphasizes the efficient value of children, especially for tedious tasks. An important explanation to keep in mind could be that child soldiers may be valuable for signalling purposes. A rebel leader may hope to show significance, commitment or terror through abduction of a child[5]. Finally, some people insist that young children are more malleable, adaptable, and obedient, as well as more easily persuaded and deceived. Therefore they are said to be easier to manage and retain[6]. If children are as productive as adults, we should find a disproportionate number in armed groups. The following two case studies give examples of what a girl and a boy have gone through during Sierra Leoneââ¬â¢s devastating civil war. By describing their tasks, the reasons as to why these violate Human Rights can be clearly seen. Case Study: Fatmata Fatmata was one of only two survivors from her village in Sierra Leone. She was barely six years old when she was captured by the cruel rebel groups. She was taken to a rebel stronghold and forced to work under harsh conditions as a servant. In Fatmataââ¬â¢s own words: ââ¬Å"We had to work all day while they would curse my mother and abuse meâ⬠. When she got older, Fatmata was forced to become the second wife of one of her rebel captors, therefore meaning she was raped and gave birth to the child of a rebel.[7] Case Study: Ishmael Beah In ââ¬ËA Long Way Goneââ¬â¢: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, Ishmael Beah, now twenty-six years old, tells a successfully enthralling story of his life as a child soldier. At the age of twelve, he fled from rebel attacks and wandered a land caused to be unrecognizable by brutality. By thirteen, he had been captured by the government army, and Beah, even though he was a gentle young boy at heart, found that he was capable of truly terrible acts. At sixteen, he was taken away from fighting by UNICEF. Beah, like many other child soldiers, had gone through devastating psychological traumas and through the help of the staff at his rehabilitation centre, he learned how to forgive himself, to regain his humanity and was finally able to heal.[8] Human Rights According to the Truth and Reconciliations commissions report the use of local as well as international human rights mechanisms in responding to the shocking criminal acts that took place in Sierra Leone during the previous decade is important to the development of international human rights law[9]. Sierra Leone became a member of the United Nations in 1961 and is a signatory to most of the important human rights committees including the Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. The Government of Sierra Leone has also ratified the optional protocol. Children Rights Act has been enacted in Sierra Leone quite recently in 2007. The Government of Sierra Leone signed and ratified the Protocol on 8 September 2000 and 15 May 2002. Convention to the Rights of a Child The Convention to the Rights of a Child (CRC) is built on diverse legal systems as well as cultural traditions. The Convention is a universally agreed set of fixed standards and obligations. These human rights set the least amount of pre-emptive declaration and freedoms that should be valued by governments. In Article 38, the Convention on the Rights of the Child insist that governments to take all possible measures to guarantee that children under 15 have no direct involvement in warfare. The Convention also sets 15 years as the minimum age at which a person can be willingly recruited into or willingly signs up in the armed forces.[10] Optional Protocol The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the contribution of children in armed conflict symbolizes a progressive leap in the international law in order to defend children from the damaging effects of recruitment and use in warfare. The Protocol requires States who authorize it to obtain all practicable measures to make sure those members who are part of their armed forces and are under the age of 18 do not have a direct involvement in the fightingââ¬â¢s. States must also raise the minimum age for voluntary recruitment into the armed forces from 15 years but does not require a minimum age of 18. The Protocol reminds States that children under 18 years are entitled to distinctive protection and so any voluntary recruitment under the age of 18 must include adequate protection. Compulsory recruitment below the age of 18 is fully banned and States parties must also take legal measures to forbid self-governing armed groups from recruiting and using children under the age of 18 in conflicts.[11] ARTICLE 1 of the Optional Protocol: ââ¬ËStates Parties shall take all feasible measures to ensure that members of their armed forces who have not attained the age of 18 years do not take a direct part in hostilities.ââ¬â¢ This shows that the Protocol raised the age that children are allowed to be a member of an illegal or legal armed force from 15 years to 18 years. UNICEF and ââ¬ËThe International Rescue Committeeââ¬â¢ and how they have helped In Sierra Leone, UNICEF was the lead agency for child protection, which worked with its colleagues to reduce arms, and to release and reconnect process for child soldiers from 1998 to 2002.They construct protective and healthy educational environments where former child soldiers obtain the opportunity to learn how to live without weapons, gain new skills which enables them to be prepared for their future and to learn how to become prolific citizens in their society. Most importantly they are given a second chance to learn how to be children again. Demobilized children were moved to temporary care centres supported by UNICEF where they were given health care and also psychosocial counselling. They also participated in educational and recreational activities while family tracing reunification was going on. A vast majority of former child soldiers have been reunited with their families. Access to education and family and community support programmes have been the key to their success to help the former child soldiers[12]. With headquarters in Freetown and three field offices in Kono, Kenema and Kailhaun districts, the International Rescue Committee provides programs that focus on child protection, education, and health, specifically for former child soldiers after the civil war ended in 2000. The IRC works to increase local participation in project activities, build local capacity, promote and protect human rights, partner with local communities and organizations, and address relief and development needs in a holistic fashion. The Revolutionary United Front rebels released 600 child soldiers. The International Rescue Committee provided education, skills training, and psychosocial care to 100 of them[13]. Conclusion To conclude, there have been many programmes that have been created to reduce and assist former child soldiers. Off course it is not possible to help every single child soldier and there are many reasons for this. Some of the reasons are that there are still a number of these soldiers that may still be involved and their whereabouts are not known. During the civil war, many of the parents of these children were killed, so it is difficult to reunite them with their families, and if they are lucky another family member may still be alive in order to look after them. Organisations, like UNICEF, provide homes for former child soldiers who are unlucky to not have anybody. By education and counselling, children learn to forgive themselves for violent crimes they were forced to commit and help themselves to progress in the future. REFERENCES â⬠¢ Beah, I (2007). ââ¬ËA Long Way Goneââ¬â¢: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. New York: Harper Perennial. p5-218. â⬠¢ Beber, B and Blattman, C. (2010). The Industrial Organization of Rebellion: The Logic of Forced Labor and Child Soldiering*. Available: Last accessed 6th December 2010. â⬠¢ Coalition to stop the use of Child Soldiers. (2007). Questions and Answers. Available: Last accessed 1st December 2010. â⬠¢ Michael Odeh and Colin Sullivan. Children in Armed Conflict. Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010. â⬠¢ Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (1990). Convention on the Rights of the Child . Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010. â⬠¢ Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2000). Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict. Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010. â⬠¢ Report of the Sierra Leone Truth & Reconciliation Commission. (2004). Children and the Armed Conflict in Sierra Leone. Vol. 3B, p231-340. â⬠¢ Spagnoli, F. (2008). Human Rights Quote (49): Child Soldiers. Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010. â⬠¢ UNICEF. CHILD SOLDIERS. Available: Last accessed 1st December 2010. â⬠¢ UNICEF. FACTSHEET: CHILD SOLDIERS. Available: Last accessed 8th â⬠¢ UNICEF. (29 April 2008). What is a child soldier?. Available: Last accessed 4th December 2010. â⬠¢ UN Works. Fatmataââ¬â¢s Story. Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â [1] Spagnoli, F. (2008). Human Rights Quote (49): Child Soldiers. Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010. [2] UNICEF. (29 April 2008). What is a child soldier?. Available: .â⬠ Last accessed 4th December 2010. [3] Coalition to stop the use of Child Soldiers. (2007). Questions and Answers. Available: Last accessed 1st December 2010. [4] UNICEF. CHILD SOLDIERS. Available: Last accessed 1st December 2010. [5] Beber, B and Blattman, C. (2010). The Industrial Organization of Rebellion: The Logic of Forced Labor and Child Soldiering*. Available: Last accessed 6th December 2010. [6] Beber, B and Blattman, C. (2010). The Industrial Organization of Rebellion: The Logic of Forced Labor and Child Soldiering*. Available: Last accessed 6th December 2010. [7] UN Works. Fatmataâ⬠â¢s Story. Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010. [8] Beah, I (2007). ââ¬ËA Long Way Goneââ¬â¢: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. New York: Harper Perennial. p5-218. [9] Report of the Sierra Leone Truth & Reconciliation Commission. (2004). Children and the Armed Conflict in Sierra Leone. Vol. 3B, p231-340. [10] Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (1990). Convention on the Rights of the Child . Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010. [11] Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2000). Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict. Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010. [12] UNICEF. FACTSHEET: CHILD SOLDIERS. Available: Last accessed 8th [13] Michael Odeh and Colin Sullivan. Children in Armed Conflict. Available: Last accessed 8th December 2010.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Abrasive Flow Machining Essay
1. Introduction Abrasive flow machining (AFM) was firstly developed fifty years ago by Extrude Hone Corporation, USA. By using the liquid viscoelastic material with easy flowability made of polymer and abrasive grains, AFM can be used to polish, deburr and radius for the workpiece. There are three kinds of AFM: one-way AFM, two-way AFM and orbital AFM [1]. In this case to manufacture the cylinder heads, consider of two-way AFM is much more widely used and its technology is more mature, we also choose the two-way AFM to do the surface finishing. Schematic of two-way flow shows in figure below. Figure 1 principle of material removal mechanism in two-way AFM process [1] Prior to machining, liquid abrasive will be put into the lower medium cylinder, the designed fixture which clamping the workpiece will be fixed between two cylinders. The upper medium, lower medium cylinder and fixture will form a confined space. After heat the whole system to working temperature, by forcing the lower piston (usually by hydraulic), the liquid abrasive will be pressed into the channel formed by clamp and workpiece, then flow into the upper medium cylinder. After the stroke of lower piston finished, the upper piston will force the liquid abrasive back into lower cylinder [2], an operating cycle will be finished. See more: Beowulf essay essay 2. Three key elements of AFM 1) Machine tool Use to fasten the workpiece and fixture, and control the pressure applied on the workpiece, to adjust the degree of abrasive accuracy. 2) Liquid Abrasive Liquid abrasive is abrasive tool in the AFM, it should has following properties, a) Non-corroding and donââ¬â¢t adhere to the workpiece and human skin. b) Good adhesive properties between different abrasive grains. c) Be able to maintain the viscoelasticity for a long time d) Non-volatile and non-deteriorate after a long time preservation. e) Strong cohesion. For these properties, the conventional liquid abrasive is made from Semi-solid carrier which has viscoelasticity, flexibility and cutting property mixed with abrasive grains. Different intrinsic viscosities of different carriers, different types and size of abrasive grains can affect the final tolerance and roughness [2]. The most frequently used abrasives are silicon carbide, carborundum, Cubic Boron Nitride(CBN), aluminum oxide, the size of grain vary from 0.005mm to 1.5mm. Abrasive with high viscosity is mainly used to polish the walls of workpiece and large through-hole while low viscosity abrasive is primarily for radiusing the edge and polishing the small through-hole. 3) Fixture The function of fixture, a) Positioning and fixing the workpiece. b) Bearing clamping force for some workpiece. c) Constitute a channel for liquid abrasive with some machined surface of workpiece in suitable size and section. d) Realizing simultaneous machine multiple workpiece in one device. 3. Advantage of AFM, Abrasive flow machining has accuracy, stability and flexibility. It uses liquid abrasive to remove the metal material infinitesimally, deburr and radius the internal intersections of workpiece. At present, AFM is widely used in automotive industry and other manufacturing. The fundamental advantage of AFM is the liquid abrasive can reach the positions which are not easily be machined by tradition surface finish methods since the complexity of workpiece, polished surface evenly and in integrity, batch processing has the same result. These characteristics improve the performance of part, extend the working life, avoid the multifarious manual labour, and lower the intensity of labor. For example, when polish the intake-tube of vehicle by traditional process, the tube need to be cut into half, then welding after polishing, but using the AFM, cut and welding can be avoided [3]. 4. Geometrical and thermal effects. Viscosity of liquid abrasive will decrease when the working temperature enhances [3], and working ability of abrasive depends on its viscosity as the figure 2 shown. Figure 2 the machining effects of different viscosity of abrasive materials [5] Since cutting force is proportional to viscosity, so higher viscosity means stronger grinding ability, as a result abrasive with higher viscosity will get a better surface. In conclusion, temperature is a very important factor during the process. While the abrasive grains polish the surface, it will generate heat, enhancing the temperature as the figure 3 shown. Figure 3 Variation of rise in temperature of workpiece with number of cycles [4] The rise of temperature will make the working ability reduce. So cooling system is need during the process to ensure the best machined surface. Geometry of cylinder head also affects the result of surface finishing. Many small through-holes exist in the cylinder head, flow rate of abrasive is much bigger in these through-holes according to fluid mechanics, even these accelerations enhance grinding ability, but due to shearing force generated by abrasive being extrusion at narrow pass, it is evident that temperature will rise rapidly, lower the grinding ability. So geometrical effect need to consider when design a cylinder head. 1. Rhoades L.J., Kohut T.A., Reversible Unidirectional AFM, US patent number 5,070,652, Dec 10th, 1991. 2 Szulczynski, Hubert, Uhlmann, Eckart, MATERIAL REMOVAL MECHANISMS IN ABRASIVE FLOW MACHINING 3 Guizhen Song, THEORETICAL ANALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON ABRASIVE FLOW MACHINING 4 Rajendra K. Jain, V. K. Jain. Specific energy and temperature determination in abrasive flow machining process[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2001(41):1689-1704 5 Tang Yong, Zhou De-ming, Yang Gang, Machinability of Abrasive Flowing Machining. Journal of south china university of technology, 2001-9
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Limited Liability Corporation, Limited Liability Partnership, and Clas
Limited Liability Corporation, Limited Liability Partnership, and Clas Limited Liability Corporation, Limited Liability Partnership, and Class C Corporation Paper October 19, 2015 FIN 419 Sarah Newton Limited Liability Corporation, Limited Liability Partnership, and Class C Corporation Paper There are many different types of ways to label a business. The main ways are sole proprietorship, partnership, or a corporation. A sole proprietorship is owned and run by one natural person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business. (Sole Proprietorship, 2015) A partnership is a single business where two or more people share ownership. (Partnership, 2015) A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners. (Corporation, 2015) While each have some commonalities, they also have some very distinct differences, particularly with regard to liability exposure. Limited Liability Corporation or a LLC is a company that is a business that combines the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. (Limited Liability Company, 2015) This means that a LLC is a combination of a sole proprietorship/partner and a corporation. The main factor that is shares with a sp/p is that it has the pass-through taxation, meaning that is will not partake in double taxation. The main factor that a LLC shares with a corporation is that any bad financial decisions will not directly affect the owners but the company itself. (Limited Liability Company, 2015) Limited Liability Partnership or a LLP is a company that is a business that limited partnership is similar to a general partnership except that it has two classes of partners. (Limited Liability Partnership, 2015) This means that a LLP is a combination of a general partnership and a corporation. The main factor of a partnership is that there is more than one person making the initial investment but since it is a limited liability, they dont risk the personal responsibility for the other partner. This is an ideal situation for a partnership with two partners who arent available to take on the other persons financial responsibilities. (Limited Liability Partnership, 2015) Class C Corporation or a CCC, is any corporation that is taxed separately from its owners. (C Corporation, 2015) Now this is not to get confused with a Class S Corporation or a CSC, which has a different factors. This is the most common classification for corporations. A corporation may qualify as a C corporation without regard to any limit on the number of shareholders, foreign or domestic. (C Corporation, 2015) This means that unlike a CSC, a CCC is a standard corporation, meaning that it doesnt have special taxes or federal claims. Also means that there is no limit on the amount of shareholders unlike the CSC has a limit. (S Corporation vs C Corporation: A Comparison, 2015) Whether it be a LLC, LLP, or CCC, businesses can be classified into one of these types. Based on the knowledge gained, the best type of fundamental basis for a business, depends on how many owners and the amount of the shareholders there are to determine the best type. Personally, I would choose a LLP, because I wouldnt want to take on all the financial responsibility however I wouldnt want to be solely responsible for the all of the financial information. Not to mention that I wouldnt want to be responsible for anything more than my initial investment. The other reason I think that this is the best move is because of the fact that for tax purposes, the IRS doesnt have a standard response it is base by base situations. Depending on the business needs and how many owners or shareholders, determines what type of business classification it will be. There are the standards: sole proprietorship, partnership, or a corporation, with the sub classes: limited liability corporations/ LLC, limited liability partnerships/ LLP or a class c corporation/ CCC. Each have factors that are suited better than others for certain business situations. The main factors with the limited liabilities is that they are a hybrid of multiple types of business. LLC is mix between a sole proprietorship/ partnership and a corporation, which can avoid double taxations. LLP is a mix between a general partnership and a corporation, which is allows each partner to only have to worry about their
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Canadian Museum of Nature Web Analysis Essay Example for Free
Canadian Museum of Nature Web Analysis Essay The Canadian Museum of Natureââ¬â¢s website is an average piece of work that gathers audience from both English and French speaking individuals. The museumââ¬â¢s Web presence is elegant and simple to use, clearly separating the English segment from the French segment to allow easier navigation throughout the site, which, considering the size and diversity of the system it represents, makes you wonder how the designers and creators managed to pull it off in such a simple way. Rhetorical Design The Canadian Museum of Natureââ¬â¢s website is intended to promote the museumââ¬â¢s products and services on offer at the museum among English speaking and French speaking tourists. Almost anyone visiting this website is most likely looking for information about a certain service or item relating to natural history and tourism, so it is safe to state that the primary audience for this website are nature lovers and tourists wishing to visit Canada or local Canadians looking for a place just to have a good time enjoying the marvels of nature. However, there is something for everyone in this website. Even for those who donââ¬â¢t intend to visit the museum but want to win something, thereââ¬â¢s a photo contest section on the home page that might serve to draw more traffic to the site. This enhances the possibility of attracting more members to join in the course of the museum. The website also has links that connect to 5 of their other websites, basically to diversify and exert their web and market presence in the field of nature. The context of the website explores the versatility of the Canadian Museum of Natureââ¬â¢s Internal organization and products and services offered by the museum. Information on the home page is divided into eleven primary categories: Calendar of activities, visitor information, teacher zone, about the museum, renewal, exhibitions, polar year, collections, research, library and products & services. The site also has quick links on shopping, becoming a member, donating to the cause, staff, press room and there is also a link for visitors to post comments and questions to the staff. All these information is carefully and strategically placed on the page to allow for easy navigation and still leaves a lot of space on the site. Congested sites tend to be an eye sore to the readers, but as for this one, no one has to worry about having to go through dozens of information to get to what youââ¬â¢re looking for. Interface Design The entire website is filled with photos of animals and artifacts of natural history which blends in very well with the overall theme of the website. Each page contains at least three amazing photos that keep the visitor glued to the website, even if just for the photos. Actually, come to think of it, the website contains very little text, it is only the overall design and beautiful photos that keep visitors busy on the site since thereââ¬â¢s nothing much to read from the website. The home page contains very clear navigational links on the left hand side of the page to other sections of the website with its interface being simple, consistent and functional. However, due to the limited amount of information on the website, the interface does not provide sufficient feedback and does not have a real time visitor ââ¬â support staff dialog system. Visitors have to leave a message on the contact us section and wait for an unknown amount of time for a feedback. All pages contain site navigation links. Site Design Text on the website is aligned to the left side of the screen, which is very effective for both the new and ordinary users of the site. The design of the site reflects the basic hierarchical organization of the Canadian Museum of Nature. From the home page, links to other major divisions can be easily accessed from the left hand corner; with each major hyperlink having a page that directs the user to other major sub-divisions; which leads the user to the exact information that can best satisfy the userââ¬â¢s specific need. The information on the pages, although minimal, gives a clear understanding of the basic intention of the site owners. The home page contains links to virtually everything someone would be looking for within the website. On the top right hand corner of the site, thereââ¬â¢s an appropriately placed site index which is very helpful in the navigation of the website. The site relies heavily on indexes as it is virtually impossible to find what you looking for without linking to a page that contains the sort of information that will be of help to the visitor. Page Design The web pages in this site are designed for users with 15 inch monitors. Since navigation throughout the site relies heavily on the site index and table of contents, the pages reveal a consistent visual hierarchy. The designers of this site rely on museumââ¬â¢s logo on each page as a header to constantly remind the user that they are still on the site, although the site could use the inclusion of a table on the calendar of activities segment to help the reader cut to the chase and find the exact thing heââ¬â¢s looking for instead of browsing through the links. Typography Only three font types have been used throughout the website, in order to make it neat at professional-like, with Verdana being the outstanding one. Coupled with a white background and text that are aligned to the left side of the page, the pages are full of life and bring out the message in a rather natural and easy way. Editorial Style The text in this site is brief and exact to the point even though it doesnââ¬â¢t cover entirely everything a visitor would most likely want to know about. The site does not use titles or subtitles as it contains functional links that act as titles. Graphics & Multimedia The website is fairly simple and does not contain a lot of graphics ââ¬â only nature photos, which are significant in building the theme of the site ââ¬â and absolutely no audio, video, animation or multimedia of any sort and therefore it makes it easy for the pages to load faster, even with slower internet connectivity. Overall Impression To sum it up, the website has a fairly simple design. The fact that only three font types have been used in the entire site makes it easy to read through without straining . It is most likely to attract twice as much attention and traffic since it is written in two languages with clear and large enough text. Also, it appeals to its audience due to the fact that it has incorporated exquisite photos of whatââ¬â¢s on offer at the museum and thereââ¬â¢s also the constant use of the color green, which is a symbol of nature. The green color is likely to blend in with the visitorââ¬â¢s impression of the museum. What I liked most about this website is its simple yet comprehensive design and the fact that it is written for a much more broader audience i. e. the English and French. However, the website is too shallow and doesnââ¬â¢t have enough information for visitors. This makes new visitors to the site dig deeper than the site in order to find information thatââ¬â¢s featured in the website. On a general point of view, the website can be rated ââ¬Å"Averageâ⬠. Canadian Museum of Nature Web Analysis. (2017, Mar 15).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Personal statement for dental school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Personal statement for dental school - Essay Example At the very early stage of my academic sessions, I studied in a dental school in Egypt MISR University for Science and Technology Medicine. At the early stage, prior to my visit to Saudi Arabia, I acquired fundamental knowledge about the dental problems along with their required care processes. During that period, I was fascinated with dentistry profession, as this profession involves number of effective care functions that have the potentiality in enabling the patients to gain quick relief from any pain or related problem. Indeed my initial exposure to select the dentistry profession as a prospective career path was shaped during the period of my one-year dental treatment course at the school. In relation to the recent trend of technological advancement, the treatment procedure for dental care has been witnessed to generate greater interests amid the modern medical professionals. Moreover, the dental care industry is identified to be incessantly growing, ensuring the formation of a strong career path for the modern students (American Dental Hygienists Association, ââ¬Å"Career Pathsâ⬠). These are certain reasons due to which I am quite fascinated towards this particular profession and desire to pursue my career in this field. Due to the higher level of commitment made towards making dentistry as my primary career path or profession, I decided to visit Palestine and enhance my knowledge on dental treatment by performing as a co-worker at my sisterââ¬â¢s clinic. Moreover, increased extent of eagerness to learn real experiences have certainly made me to visit Palestine in the summer 2012. My sister provided extensive support by involving me to learn various new facets associated with dental ailments along with their respective care procedures. During the period of performing as a co-worker at my sisterââ¬â¢s clinic, I used to learn the things that I have studied during my one-year course in the dental school. In this regard, improving career path and attaining personal
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